New Delhi, December 31, 2012: Stairs, an NGO working towards sports, education and health of underprivileged children has called off the New Year festivities in solidarity with nation-wide grief over the death of the 23-year old Delhi gang-rape victim.
In honour of ‘Daughter of India’, who passed away on 29th December, 2012, following a 13-day fight for life, the entire staff of Stairs and their families (300 persons) along with Stairs volunteers (1800 volunteers) and youth participants (30,500 children & youth) together have decided to call off the New Year celebrations.
Expressing grief over the demise of the girl, Mr. Anil Upadhyay, President, Stairs said, “It is a very sad moment for every Indian. The entire Stairs team including our staff and their families, our volunteers and youth participants across the country join the nation in condemning the heinous crime and mourning for the brave girl. We have decided not to rejoice in any way this New Year and decided to keep away from any social and personal programmes and appeal to everybody to pray for the bereaved family and share the condolences with the family of the girl.
The swelling poverty and unemployment has escalated the crime rate in the nation which poses a stout threat in the country. To address this pressing socio economic issue “STAIRS’ is dedicatedly working on a development approach which involves participation from the youth for an all-inclusive development of the country. Stairs help to establish an association between sustainable living and a creative means to achieve it. It attempts to tap the ability of today’s youth by channelizing their energy into meaningful activities and make it a way to shape their character and personality.
Since its inception in 2005, Stairs has been actively involved in the upliftment of the less fortunate children mainly through the field of sports. Sports provide a positive channel to energize the youth. Unless these excessive energies find constructive vent, they can easily be diverted into negative activities that would bring harm to the nation. The sporting initiatives undertaken by Stairs are aimed at providing a platform to these children to hone their skills and showcase their talent. Stairs understands the amount of talent that exists among these children and believes in creating opportunities so that their talent is rightly tapped and nurtured.
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